Why should you Care?

When we manipulate data from a SQL database, we often need to compute operations that depend on values scattered across several rows. For instance, it is important to be able to compute sums or averages. In this post we will see how the SQL clauses GROUP BY and PARTITION BY enable us to do that.

To clarify the usage of these functions, let's consider the table covid containing the number of new COVID-19 cases by day in a few countries.

mysql> SELECT *
       FROM covid
       ORDER BY date, country;
| country | date       | new_cases |
| Germany | 2020-03-01 |        51 |
| Italy   | 2020-03-01 |       566 |
| USA     | 2020-03-01 |      NULL |
| Germany | 2020-03-02 |        33 |
| Italy   | 2020-03-02 |       342 |
| USA     | 2020-03-02 |        16 |
| Germany | 2020-03-03 |        38 |
| Italy   | 2020-03-03 |       466 |
| USA     | 2020-03-03 |        21 |
| Germany | 2020-03-04 |        52 |
| Italy   | 2020-03-04 |       587 |
| USA     | 2020-03-04 |        36 |
| Germany | 2020-03-05 |       109 |
| Italy   | 2020-03-05 |       769 |
| USA     | 2020-03-05 |        67 |

In this blog we will see how to use GROUP BY and PARTITION BY to solve three different use cases.

  • Use Case 1. How many new cases, on average, does each country have?
  • Use Case 2. What is the total cumulative number of cases per country on each day?
  • Use Case 3. The number of new cases oscillates day by day, how do we compute a moving average over 3 days?

GROUP BY: Aggregate Functions

In SQL, aggregate functions operate on sets of values, returning a single value. Examples of commonly used aggregate functions are the following.

  • COUNT(*): number of rows retrieved.
  • AVG(col): average of values in col.
  • SUM(col): sum of values in col.
  • MAX(col), MIN(col): max / min value in col.

The clause GROUP BY is used together with aggregate functions to define on which subset of rows the operation is to be computed. For Use Case 1 we want to know the average number of new cases—which can be computed using AVG(new_cases)—for each country—which can be achieved using GROUP BY country—so the query we need is the following.

mysql> SELECT country, AVG(new_cases) avg_new_cases
       FROM covid GROUP BY country
       ORDER BY country;
| country | avg_new_cases |
| Germany |       56.6000 |
| Italy   |      546.0000 |
| USA     |       35.0000 |

In graphical terms, this is how this query operates. SQL Aggregation with "GROUP BY"

Sometimes we just want to compute an operation on the whole table, in which case we have to omit the GROUP BY clause. For instance, to compute the total number of new cases in any country in this period of five days, we can use the following query.

mysql> SELECT SUM(new_cases) tot_cases
       FROM covid;
| tot_cases |
|      3153 |

Finally, it may be useful to have at the same time the results aggregated by country—what you get by GROUP BY—as well as the results aggregated across all rows. This can be achieved using the clause WITH ROLLUP. As an example, the following query computes the total number of new cases per country and overall (this latter goes under the special label NULL).

mysql> SELECT country, SUM(new_cases) tot_cases
       FROM covid
       GROUP BY country
       ORDER BY country;
| country | tot_cases |
| NULL    |      3153 |
| Germany |       283 |
| Italy   |      2730 |
| USA     |       140 |

PARTITION BY: Window Functions

In SQL, window functions operate by considering, for each row of a given query, a set of rows related to that row. With a few exceptions, virtually all aggregate functions can also be used as window functions. On top of those, SQL supports window functions that are nonaggregate functions, of which the commonly used are the following.

  • ROW_NUMBER(): index of current row within a partition.
  • RANK(): same as ROW_NUMBER(col), but if an entry is repeated in a partition their index is different while their rank is the same.
  • FIRST_VALUE(col), LAST_VALUE(col), NTH_VALUE(col): first / last / n-th element in a partition.
  • LEAD(col), LAG(col): value of the previous / next row in a partition.

If GROUP BY is used for aggregate functions to specify the set of rows to be aggregated, for window function we have to use the OVER (window_spec) clause to specify how to partition rows into groups to be processed by the window function.

The structure of window_spec can be broken down into three components, all of which are optional. If you don't specify any of the components, the trivial OVER() clause will take all the rows in the table.

    [PARTITION BY col] [ORDER BY col] frame_spec 
The first two components are easy to understand.
  • PARTITION BY col works exactly in the same way of GROUP BY, i.e. splits the table into various subsets of rows.
  • ORDER BY col is also nothing new, just a regular clause to sort the rows in each subset of rows.
The only tricky part of window_spec is the third component frame_spec. A frame specification defines, for each row of a partition, an interval of rows of the partition that should be considered to apply the window function. The frame specification must be given in the format
    ROWS BETWEEN frame_begin AND frame_end
where frame_begin and frame_end are to be chosen among the following options.
  • CURRENT ROW: the current row.
  • UNBOUNDED PRECEDING: the first row in the partition.
  • UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING: the last row in the partition.
  • n PRECEDING: the n-th preceding row in the partition.
  • n FOLLOWING: the n-th following row in the partition.
As a side comment, in case the desired frame_end is just the current row, SQL allows to use the shorter equivalent clause
ROWS frame_start
instead of
Here are a couple of examples of frame_spec, showing how different subset of rows in the partition are used to compute AVG(new_cases). SQL Windows with "PARTITION BY" So now, after this long discussion on PARTITION BY and window functions, we are finally able to solve Use Case 2 and Use Case 3!

Let's start with Use Case 2, i.e. computing the cumulative number of new cases per country on each day. To compute sums of new cases we can use SUM(new_cases). To specify that we want sums to be computed by country we will use PARTITION BY country. Finally, a cumulative sum means that our frame must start with the first row of the partition and end with the current row, we will use ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING—or equivalently ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW.

mysql> SELECT country,
              SUM(new_cases) OVER (PARTITION BY country
                                   ORDER BY date
                                   ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) my_avg
       FROM covid,
       ORDER BY country, date;

| country | date       | new_cases | cum_sum |
| Germany | 2020-03-01 |        51 |      51 |
| Germany | 2020-03-02 |        33 |      84 |
| Germany | 2020-03-03 |        38 |     122 |
| Germany | 2020-03-04 |        52 |     174 |
| Germany | 2020-03-05 |       109 |     283 |
| Italy   | 2020-03-01 |       566 |     566 |
| Italy   | 2020-03-02 |       342 |     908 |
| Italy   | 2020-03-03 |       466 |    1374 |
| Italy   | 2020-03-04 |       587 |    1961 |
| Italy   | 2020-03-05 |       769 |    2730 |
| USA     | 2020-03-01 |      NULL |    NULL |
| USA     | 2020-03-02 |        16 |      16 |
| USA     | 2020-03-03 |        21 |      37 |
| USA     | 2020-03-04 |        36 |      73 |
| USA     | 2020-03-05 |        67 |     140 |

Now, as for Use Case 3, we want to compute a moving average centered over a period of 3 days. This means that we want to use the function AVG(new_cases) and specify the frame to include rows from previous day to next day so ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 FOLLOWING.
mysql> SELECT country,
       AVG(cases) OVER (PARTITION BY country
                        ORDER BY DATE
                        ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 FOLLOWING) mov_avg
       FROM covid
       ORDER BY country;
| country | date       | new_cases | mov_avg  |
| Germany | 2020-03-01 |        51 |  42.0000 |
| Germany | 2020-03-02 |        33 |  40.6667 |
| Germany | 2020-03-03 |        38 |  41.0000 |
| Germany | 2020-03-04 |        52 |  66.3333 |
| Germany | 2020-03-05 |       109 |  80.5000 |
| Italy   | 2020-03-01 |       566 | 454.0000 |
| Italy   | 2020-03-02 |       342 | 458.0000 |
| Italy   | 2020-03-03 |       466 | 465.0000 |
| Italy   | 2020-03-04 |       587 | 607.3333 |
| Italy   | 2020-03-05 |       769 | 678.0000 |
| USA     | 2020-03-01 |      NULL |  16.0000 |
| USA     | 2020-03-02 |        16 |  18.5000 |
| USA     | 2020-03-03 |        21 |  24.3333 |
| USA     | 2020-03-04 |        36 |  41.3333 |
| USA     | 2020-03-05 |        67 |  51.5000 |


  1. Aggregate functions are used with GROUP BY to compute a single aggregate value (e.g. a sum, mean, etc.) from each specified set of rows.
  2. You can use WITH ROLLUP to compute also meta-aggregate values.
  3. Window functions are used with OVER (window_spec) to compute, for each row, a value that depends on a subset of rows within a given partition.
  4. The window_spec defines how to partition the table with PARTITION BY, how to sort the rows within each partition with ORDER BY, and the frame of rows within the partition to be considered to compute the value of each rows with ROWS BETWEEN frame_begin AND frame_end.